So I'm driving to work today, it's the middle of the afternoon so kind of moderate traffic, and I'm behind this beat to shit LeSabre in the fast lane going about 35 in a 40. I'm not in any rush so I'm about a car length behind this guy and he taps on his brakes.
Now no one is in front of him, so I thought, "what, are you looking for your turn?". We keep going and he does it again. It wasn't until he flipped me the double deuce in the rearview that I realized this douchebag is trying to brake check me.
Now as anyone who lives in a city can tell you, driving in traffic in the middle of town, it isn't uncommon to give at most a car length of distance to the guy in front of you, otherwise jerkoffs will end up cutting you off and cause accidents and such. That was pretty much how it was here, and I wasn't anywhere close to tailgating this re-re. Apparently he needs his space.
I'm not sure if he was aware that flipping someone off is essentially an engraved invitation that says "Please sir, will you now fuck with me so badly that I end up killing myself?". That's basically what ended up happening, however. I smiled and rode his rear bumper for the next 3 blocks, chuckling as he went batshit crazy in his car, flipping me off, screaming, and jumping up and down in his seat. I can only imagine he was frothing at the mouth too. I was kind of hoping that I would anger him so much that that little blood vessel would pop in his brain and he'd trouble the rest of the driving world no longer. Sadly, this was not the case.
Remember kids, driving is not a right, it's a privilege. If you drive like a dumbass, expect to get fucked with by us intelligent folks. Or just save us the trouble and drive yourself into a tree.
Death is only the beginning...
1 comment:
Okay, so that's pretty awesome. I think I would've just slaughtered you. So, I was wondering, whats the point of having the "Follow" widget on the side if you can follow by clicking the link on the bar at the top. Kinda seems redundant. Um, oh, ya, metal doesn't make good music. Wood does. Enjoy.
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