Thursday, August 29, 2013

Republican rhetoric: Not even once

So I wake up on the first day of my vacation to see one of my friends repost a status on Facebook by someone who seems to be under the impression that people working on minimum wage and can't afford to live are lazy bums who should blame themselves for not being better educated and hard working.

Words cannot describe how offensive this post is to so many Americans who are struggling to afford food and shelter in this, the supposedly greatest country in the world. The fact that he just parrots Republican lies and rhetoric without even skipping a beat shows how effective the GOP propaganda machine works. Here is the post in it's entirety, uncut.

"To all those picketing today outside their fastfood workplaces demanding at least $15 an hour: You should be picketing outside the office of your high school guidance counselor who told you the fastfood service industry was a GOOD career choice, not just an entry-level job. You should be picketing outside of the homes of family members who advised you NOT to work hard for decent grades, learn a skilled trade, or take on college student loans. Picket outside the home of friends who told you it was COOL to skip class, not study, have a child, or drop out of school. Protest outside the offices of your elected politicians who continue to tell you that choices you make in life should have NO bearing on how much you are entitled to. Protest outside the homes of those selfish consumers who don't WANT to pay $18 for a double cheeseburger. Stick it to the man, the clown, the king, the colonel, or whomever is keeping you down. Just don't blame yourselves. It's not YOUR fault." - Michael White

So according to Mr. White, all of these people in the USA who have a minimum wage job, sometimes two, and still can't afford to eat without SNAP benefits, are all to blame for their own situation because they did bad in school or because they "listened to politicians that tell you you're entitled to free money" (Note: no politicians endorse this, it's a complete fabrication). He then goes on to say if you have a child, it's your fault for being poor, which is so incredibly offensive to women that I'll be amazed if this guy has a wife or girlfriend, and if he does, she must enjoy being constantly denigrated by a misogynist asshole, that's the only reason I can think of that anyone would stay with a dick like that.

Seriously, you think that if someone has a kid they deserve to be poor? Are you fucking insane, or just retarded? You think that people are rising up to protest higher hamburger prices? Please know that you are really fucking stupid if you think that that's happening. Math proves that if the minimum wage is raised to a living wage, prices will go up maybe 1-2%. That's pennies on the dollar. Saying a cheeseburger will be $18 is just another Republican lie meant to scare people into thinking that if we pay people enough to live, then we'll all be poor, and that's not how the system works. If all of these things are so catastrophic, then why is it that other developed countries, like Australia and Japan, pay a high minimum wage, and have low unemployment, similar costs for goods/services, and happy people who can afford to live? It's like you live in your own little bubble of reality where facts and evidence can be shrugged off in favor of misinformation and outright bullshit.

Let me tell you a little story. A story about myself. I went to college, for Computer Science, at Vermont Technical College. I went for 3 years, for a 2 year program, because I failed calculus and C++, two things I tried very hard at but could not wrap my head around. I decided that programming was not what I wanted to do after all, and since the cost of my college loans were so high, I decided to get a job to pay them off. I'm a responsible, hard-working 33 year old now, I make more than the minimum wage at a full time job, and I can barely afford to pay all my living expenses with a little bit to spare each month. I have reduced my living expenses to the tune of about $1000 a month, so if I have, say, an emergency tire blowout on the road, or I get sick enough to have to go to the hospital, my savings will be completely wiped out and then some.

So it's my fault that I decided I wasn't happy in my chosen field of study and that the crippling cost of college education kept me from going back to get a different degree? Let me tell you something, that is the most arrogant and dickish thing to assume about someone who "dropped out" of school. Just because someone didn't finish doesn't mean it's because they're lazy or stupid, a lot of times it's because we discover things about ourselves and decide to go in a different direction. In other nations, college education is free so that people can decide what they want to do with themselves without getting saddled with a lifelong debt and can make decisions without being seen as a stupid bum for not finishing something they dislike.

So Michael White: you sir, are a tremendous douche, and I hope you never have to know what it's like to be treated like shit just because you don't have a degree and are working just as hard but not being paid enough by greedy corporations because their $14 million dollar raises are more important than you being able to eat this week. If you had educated yourself about these things that I am now relating to you, instead of just thinking your Republican representative, who has never had to deal with living like this EVER, is right about all those "lazy takers", and then have the nerve to condescendingly blame them for being hardworking people who DARE to want a livable wage... yeah, you're a complete fucking asshole.

If you said those things to me, about me, to my face, you'd better believe I would beat wholesale ass. You don't get to be an arrogant prick to people fighting corruption and demanding justice, not when you've sold yourself as a Republican mouthpiece for the low price of free. You're just as much a puppet as they are, and you're on the wrong side of history. I'd encourage you to seek mental help, but I know you'll just laugh me off as a commie fascist socialist or some other idiocy and continue repeating the bullshit that the GOP tells you to, because they've got their hand so far up your ass they can work you like a ventriloquist's doll.

Enjoy being a colossal dick, because someday someone like me is going to call you out on your bullshit, and I don't think you'll like the consequences.

EDIT: He responded to my initial callout of his bullshit with this little gem:
"Two things Eban mothfuck or whatever you name is. One, I am NOT a republican. Two, you're late for your shift on the Mcfryer"

So eloquently put. I'm sure you're qualified to comment on the economic impact of wealth inequality when you can't even spell someone's name properly even if it's right in front of you, and your hateful disdain of anyone working a service job makes you emininently qualified to be an impartial judge of character.

I'm being facetious of course. You may want to look that up, I know that you Republicans have a hard time with big words. And yes, if you believe everything you said previously, you ARE, in fact, a GOP talking head. NO liberal would have you if you brought these points to our table. Go fuck yourself.

Death is only the beginning...